To understand gender one must consider the position of black women. The mere fact that we are the most under represented + under paid; yet the most educated informs us that the roots of sexism are founded in the same economic + political institutions that serve the foundation of racism. Daily we crawl from under the heartbreaking backdrops as we illuminate this earth shattering persona just to gain respect. Often assumed to be a single mother despite being betrothed while her relationship suffers as she over extends her participation to compete with women who have the luxury of not being in the labor force. It’s complicated! Overwhelmed with the realization of having to choose between being a mother or a wife in order to survive undermines the well-being of black families. Historically devaluing black women reinforces autonomous women while simultaneously promoting broken homes.
Black women have a longer history of sustained employment + not by choice. Years ago when met with the option of sustenance or a spouse; black women chose feeding their children. Despite black women being breadwinners; it left homes disproportionate + kids neglected. It made black women more self-reliant + more vulnerable by risking everyday comforts so that we won’t be evaluated as harshly due to “family emergencies. “While our families suffered, we acquiring another degree to vie with our often underqualified counterparts. Although our families suffered, we were gaining another promotion that severed the marriage. Therefore, leaving children with caregivers + afterschool programs while black women navigate the disparity of systematic discrimination.
While education is the great equalizer, it does not always shield black women from barriers we face. Real healing happens when we hire one another. Equitable spaces are formed when our counterparts make a conscious effort to support black women by promoting our advancement. Authentic networks are built when intergenerational collaborations are established to train more young black women to move up in leadership. We will never remove the gender gap for black women until everyone values black women’s work. Once we understand the economic status of black women only then can we change the narrative of black women overall.