Adjust Your Feelings To The Fact
How you feel in life matters about 10 % of the time, and what you do about what you feel matters about 90%. It has taken over half of my life to realize this one simple sentiment and it has been so beneficial to my growth. Often times in life we lead every interaction with “how we feel”. Forget what is being said, overlook that we need to learn, disregard that we did something insolent, ignore that we need to change, stop thinking about the fact that we need to grow and that growth is essential. As a matter of fact, let’s just run amok! Better yet, let me just treat people any kind of way, knock over tables, denigrate myself and others. Besides I have acted like this for years, and no one has ever stopped me, so why should I be stopped now! Who has time to change? That’s so laborious and tedious! Just let me act a straight fool while disregarding everyone in the process and once I have made a complete buffoon of myself let’s resume business as usual as if I didn’t drain the atmosphere of every ounce of goodness.
I would be remised if I didn’t acknowledge how people making excuses for their unwillingness to take responsibility for their actions is ultimately disrupting the flow. You do know there is this amazing flow of love, and goodness that is in constant rotation daily? However, we miss the amazing frequency of miraculous righteousness that is taking place every day because we are so busy being vacuums in the Universe…extracting decency, kindness, integrity, and honesty. Some people are habitual bandits of all things noble.
Nevertheless, I still believe love is the highest! My feet hit the floor every morning grounded in love, peace, and joy always surrounded by a great cloud of ancestors. In spite of my, momentary reflections, I am aware that goodness resides in every corner of the world…even in the midst of gloom. So I shine on and lead with love ensuring that my cup overflows, constantly staying full of Ikeranda. Always enough for me with just enough to share so when a person is low on self- worth, or self-love, I just gather a few drops of my goodness to spare.
The fact is that we are here for others, we were made to love, we must heal the broken parts of ourselves, we must seek to be better versions of ourselves, we must forgive, we must take responsibility for our actions, we must be accountable, we must give what we want, and remember we are responsible for the energy we bring to the atmosphere. The reality is your feelings only matter to you! If your intention is to disrupt the atmosphere …then refer back to the fact and adjust your feelings to it!
In life there are lots of highs and tons of lows, but there is a lot of goodness in between. So as you adjust your feelings daily…live in the sweetness of life, find some goodness and dwell in it, smile at all the inner peace and understanding that you get to contribute to the abundance of this amazing Universe.