This picture represents the beginning which started 9 years ago + by all accounts we shouldn’t be standing here unscathed + unbothered; yet thicker than thieves. We should not be unequivocally committed to our friendship, our children + remaining in each other’s life by any means necessary. Yet here we stand. Closer than most friends + people still wonder “what’s the catch?” The only thing we have managed to come up with is that God loved us so much that he entrusted us with each other + we accepted the mission. Most people wouldn’t, I get it + truthfully for a long time we didn’t want to stay in each other’s life. However, what we have cultivated is extremely bigger than US.
We stumbled into each other lives not even knowing the meaning of friendship until we were forced to establish it. We moved into this apartment looking for solace + we got so much more.
This picture is the end because we have both moved on to our next destination. Truthfully, Cassandra you should have left before me + this moment should have been reversed, but when you find a true friend they delay their dreams so that you can accomplish yours. Thank you!
This picture marks the continuation of a lifelong sisterhood, an amazing bond + a story that maybe one day we’ll write about. But for now we are raising these babies, chasing purpose + trying to do more than we ever experienced when we were young. This picture is family. The ironic + very unlikely friendship that happened at this safe haven nestled somewhere in Atlanta. Here’s to co-mothering with one of the most awesome human beings I know. I am honored to know you. I love you! Salut!