Taboo No More
I used to carry the weight of not knowing about the things that plagued my parents. I watched my mother crawl into bed everyday + wrap the burden of a disease undiagnosed around her for security. We often choose religion instead of science to keep the lie our families tell us. We suffer in silence afraid to live a better quality of life. We suffer in quietness scared to let down the very people that often put us in these positions. I want to be the story that everyone desires to read because I found freedom is releasing myself from the shame of suffering.
I remember the day my mom told me that she battling with depression all of her life. Not understanding that “we” battled all of her life because if I had known then maybe I could have been diagnosed sooner. Maybe my mother could have had a better quality of life sooner. You do know we suffer not only from a lack of knowledge, but from that shame that comes along with our diagnosis. Living free includes mentally, emotionally, spiritually, as well as physically.
Today I hold space for everyone that is undiagnosed + struggling to figure things out. I hold space for those of us that are on medicine + having a better quality of life because of it. I hold space for the people that need a place to share but would rather carry the shame. I hold space for the people that believe that talking to someone about their problems is more embarrassing than living in peace. I always want to be relatable so that people can see that we are more alike than we are different.