Divine Love
Relationships are so delicate + crafted by every other relationship we have experienced or the lack thereof. My wife + I often speak of how we discard people for seemingly better designs. We often think our partners will take the place of our friendships or vice versa, but truthfully all relationships have their own special space. Every dynamic deserves its own reverence. Relationships are holy. Every. Single. One.
I have been loving this woman since our ancestors jumped from ships that were too small to hold our ambitions. She is teaching me that relationships are built from patience + commitment; something black folks are still trying to remember. This woman is coaching me that every person in my life serves a purpose. This woman is schooling me that when you truly love someone it supersedes your pride + feelings. She is educating me that the idea of love is merely an understatement of what people refuse to do.
Relationships are crafted from hours of bathing in the secrets you mustered up the courage to say. It’s the dreams you decided to grab onto rather than just reflect upon. I am learning that partnerships are a blessing that help you understand how to be grateful even on days when it’s raining outside. It’s a gentle reminder that connections are the umbrella you forgot you had + the raincoat that hangs inaudibly by the door waiting for you just when you need it.