Loving You Is Communion
When I look at you I am reminded of all the petitions I have asked of the Creator. You + I are so non-traditional; yet we are anchored in love. Not the adoration that is whimsical drenched in false narratives. Not the admiration that lives for the surface dynamics with massive amounts of sex without substance. We aren’t even the appreciation that only speaks of the good because those of us that are really breaking generational trauma fully understand that love is far from cliché + if you are making it work you are doing everything different than what your family did.
With you everything is intentional because we have recognized the demise of so many black families. The helicopter parents that sacrificed their relationships while making the children their scapegoats + surrogate spouses due to their own abandonment problems. The families that stayed when they should have left because they couldn’t love each other for not loving themselves. The families that cheated to survive because they just couldn’t resolve their childhood trauma so everyone ached under the agony of absent parents.
We put our love first to raise healthy, whole children + adults. We move slower to ensure that we don’t miss kissing slowly, sleeping late to make love, putting the kids to bed so that we can just talk, laugh + date like we just met. Let’s fight for our love + all other black couples re-writing a narrative that was never supposed to be ours. The world desires to see us fail + this alone is the greatest reason to celebrate.